We discuss in this interview:
- The benefits of kombucha and sauerkraut
- Daniel’s journey as a healthy food entrepreneur
- The benefits of fermented vegetables for digestion
- Living foods
- The effects of heat and pasteurization on food
- Fermenting vegetables at home
- The nature of kombucha
- Its mechanisms in the digestion phase
- Factors to consider when buying kombucha
Clint – Today’s episode is all about sauerkraut and kombucha. It’s going to be an enjoyable and educational discussion with the owner of Herbs of Life, which is a company that I came across here in Australia after being a huge fan of their sauerkraut, which I buy locally. And so today I’ve invited Daniel to this episode to tell us all about the health benefits of sauerkraut and kombucha, and how we might be able to enjoy those on a regular basis? How are you, Daniel?
Daniel – Very well and thank you, Clint. Thanks for the opportunity.
Clint – Let me first start by explaining how this came about, we eat sauerkraut on a regular basis. My wife and I, the kids don’t eat it yet, although the four-year-old has sampled it and she does a thumb-anator where she rotates her thumbs it’s like you don’t know what’s going to happen. And then she gives like a rating with her thumbs and she gives it neutral, so she’s neutral at sauerkraut at age four. But I can assure you that by the time she grows up a bit more, she’ll be into your stuff because it’s fantastic. We were buying the turmeric and ginger sauerkraut from the local health food store. And my wife and I were looking at each other saying, this is the best sauerkraut we’ve ever had in our life. And you’ve got those traditional things going on, like the piece of cabbage sitting on top when you crack open the jar, it makes that beautiful pop sound. And just obviously the taste is a high priority as well, and it just tastes delicious. So congratulations on the products that you’re making and tell us briefly to start, how you how did you get into this business?
How Daniel Started
Daniel – Oh well, that’s a bit of a story probably going back in 2008. I was an engineer in a previous life and I was working in the US at the time. And while I was over there, I contracted some sort of stomach bug from eating a vast array of different foods over there, and the medical doctors weren’t much help. So after circling a local health food store in the little town, where I was living, they had kombucha on the shelf. Now, I’ve heard of yogurt and sauerkraut, but I’ve never heard of kombucha. So I had my first bottle and it very much helped me and pretty much playing out in a way. And when I got back to Australia in 2009, I wanted to continue drinking it and it wasn’t available, so I began making it here. So a few years on through experimentation, sharing recipes and what we did then, I was able to develop a sellable product with the kombucha. And in those few years, a lot of research as well of what it is and the benefits. But the sauerkraut came into the picture probably it was around about 2016, and I believe we found it quite natural, a natural complement to kombucha. And then we wanted to align ourselves as a fermentary, a certified organic fermentary. So sauerkraut was just a very natural and easy progression to that. Our production manager is actually a chef by (inaudible) as well. And so we experimented with a few different recipes of sauerkraut. We wanted to be very traditional as part of our ethics and our efforts to be certified organic. We also want to do an (inaudible) premium product and traditional. Our production manager knew that all along and his level of chef expertise really demonstrated to us what we wanted, basically our aim and objective. And he aligned with us very quickly and he wanted that as well. So I said, well look, let’s try something just with salt and cabbage, a few different herbs and spices, and see how we go, the results are proof to themselves. They worked out really well and I know later on we had the decision of what methodology to use because you could do an (inaudible) or you could do a (inaudible). We chose to do the (inaudible) and similar to a (inaudible) yogurt and that’s what we do a (inaudible) sort of fermented sauerkraut. And so it also ferments with its own juices in that jar and then nothing is lost during the transfer process, we found that to be a quite advantageous and great health benefit. It was like minimal touching of the product and no loss of nutrients or juices during transfer or re-jarring packaging, et cetera. So we’re very like that, much like that idea. And we did that from the start and it worked out really well. So, the sauerkraut has been in our journey since 2016.
Clint – Yeah. Beautiful. And you’ve got quite a big reach now across Australia. And I just want to say at this point, if you’re listening to this outside of Australia, the information that we’re about to share is still going to be highly valuable, even if you’re not able to be fortunate enough to get hold of herbs of life’s products because they don’t ship internationally. I’m looking for a reaction from beyond that.
Daniel – No, not yet sorry.
Clint – But we’re going to cover the sort of the general health benefits, the ways of preparation, the ways in which you can consume these products frequency and so all this is going to be relevant wherever you are. So let’s go through those in no particular order of priority, let’s stay on the sauerkraut. First of all, let’s say someone say, my digestion isn’t so good, what are some of the health benefits from eating the sauerkraut?
The Benefits Of Sauerkraut
Daniel – One of the main things that come to mind is that it’s a pre-digested food. And so when the digestive system receives something that is fermented or predigested, it’s going to be a lot easier and less taxing on a digestive system, that sometimes could have a premedical condition for some people or if some people experience medically diagnosed with Celiac or Crohn’s and things like that. Then consuming a fermented vegetable or the sauerkraut is really going to assist with that because it is pre-digested and it’s very easy on the system. It’s not something like grains, grains can be very taxing because it’s a very heavy food and the system needs to break it down until its essential components and actually create sugar out of that. And then you receive a sort of an insulin spike. But when you’re consuming fermented vegetables, specifically sauerkraut, the sugars are digested and the fiber is somewhat digested as well. So you’ve got this food, which is a very simple carbohydrate, very easily digestible and very minimal information, and very pretty much no inflammation. It’s one of the main benefits.
Clint – It’s a living food, isn’t it? And you mentioned that free digestion and I know you may be trying to avoid any technical words to keep things simple. But we’ve spoken offline about the enzymes that are inside the food that are produced to break down those foods. So as you said, carbohydrates become simple sugars. Furthermore, the fats become fatty acids and the proteins become amino acids. And so your body would otherwise do that work using specific enzymes to break down specific macromolecules. But when the food is presented in all of its micro components, that’s immediately bioavailable and so that’s tremendous. Talk about the bacteria, this is something that we all get excited about in our community. Autoimmunity is really underpinned by an imbalance of our gut bacteria. And so tell us about what’s going on when we consume sauerkraut.
What Happens When We Eat Sauerkraut?
Daniel – So sauerkraut during the fermentation process, the simple sugars of the cabbage are fermented along with the salt. And the salt that’s used is the starter or the activator to commence the fermentation. So you get the natural yeasts on the vegetable and that’s fermenting with the natural sugars of the vegetable. And that level of fermentation, lactic acid gets created and that’s why you get that slight vinegary flavor. And that’s the best lactic acid in that which is totally fine. But in a way, that juice is prebiotic and our stomach, which is I think is our first line of defense and our immune system needs to run at almost one hundred percent hydrochloric acid in order to burn anything that comes in. When that tipping point is unbalanced, that acid-alkaline occurs, the acid also in your system, your stomach becomes very easily alkaline. So what the sauerkraut does, the juices add very quickly that puts that acid back into the stomach. It’s an outline forming food, even though it’s acidic tasting, but it very quickly balances out the stomach so the stomach can digest foods again. But then it’s a probiotic as well because it is living as full of probiotic enzymes. And so it’s actually put beneficial bacteria back into the gut so that you can digest other foods, as well as your immune system, can thrive. So in sauerkraut, in an essence, is both a pre and a probiotic, too.
Clint – Yeah, absolutely. And I was trying to look at the research on this before we had our conversation, and it’s not easy to pin this down. One of our audience members might have this data, but what I was looking for is the sort of a specific strain of bacteria and the typical quantities of those bacteria present in, say 100 grams of sauerkraut. And whilst the strains have tended to be studied and that information can be readily obtained, the number of bacteria varies wildly depending on how long it’s fermented. And I guess the way that it’s put together and how much salt to use, I guess, and a few other variables. But the general consensus is that we’ve got a range of different bacteria that are healthy for humans being consumed with sauerkraut and their quantity is very high. So there are two things that we feel happy about when we think about sauerkraut. Have you had customers who have consumed the sauerkraut come to you and say, other than delicious say that their digestion has improved or that they feel healthier?
Daniel – Yeah, definitely. And so we’ve had quite a bit of feedback in the past and then it asked me, why did that happen? So I’ve explained to myself not all sauerkraut is equal out there on the market. Do look for raw sauerkraut and one that hasn’t been I guess, tainted with the aid of other bacterias or of probiotics or things like that. It needs to be more than a natural traditional format so that the cabbages can release everything possible. But I think that would attribute that to that factor, that we just leave the salt in the cabbage to do its work. So for three to four weeks of fermentation and that would be probably partly the most of the reason why there’d be all the other bacteria. So, yeah, we’ve had quite a few customers actually in the past.
Clint – You’ve touched upon something that I’m really pleased you mentioned because it wasn’t on my checklist here of things to bring up. But it’s crucial and that is the non-sort of handmade or non locally made versions are often pasteurized or flash heated. Let’s talk about that because your average consumer of which I have been in the past my made this mistake. I walked into a store, saw what appears to be a very healthy looking label on sauerkraut, thinking, oh, this thing looks like it’s made by a hippie somewhere near the coast. And it’s going to be definitely full of rich bacteria and enzymes. But then in the fine print and sometimes not even on the bottle, especially in the United States, you don’t know that thing’s been heated to preserve its life time. What happens when we heat it?
What Happens When We Heat Sauerkraut?
Daniel – Well, the bacteria and the enzymes die basically, and then the sugar content increases because you’re cooking the vegetable. Every time you cook a vegetable or fruit, the sugar content does increase versus of it being rolled or fermented. And so that’s what happens, that ends up being bad bacteria and other living enzymes, and you end up eating something that is (inaudible) for sure, higher in sugar compared to that when it was raw and no probiotics. So I think in that sense, it’s probably just the basic maybe vitamins and minerals, but without it being living.

Clint – Yeah. It certainly defeats the main sort of exciting aspect of sauerkraut, in my view. The taste is obviously much more enjoyable compared to just eating cabbage rolls or even eating cabbage with a bit of salt, many people want to do that. But when you add or when you combine it together and you add the fermentation and then as you do in your company add some beautiful combinations of flavors with, for example, the turmeric and the ginger, which is our favorite combination. Then it’s so delicious and you feel so happy about the health benefits that you actually crave it.
Daniel – A good advantage of having those different combinations of vegetables and spices is that we ferment with those (inaudible) even the turmeric and the ginger is fermented with the cabbage. So you are also getting a fermented benefit from a fermented ginger and fermented turmeric as well, along with the fermented cabbage. But I think that’s most important to always purchase a raw product when it comes to sauerkraut. We’ve had our customers in the past, both ends of the spectrum. We’ve also had customers that are just buying it for the flavor. And then they would actually cook with it or put it into the frying pan or something like that, and they like it like that and that’s also totally fine. It’s what they would prefer or how they choose to eat. And we’ve had the other half of our customers that are actually buying it for its probiotic and enzyme spectrum and like that, we want that. And I want to eat it raw or I’ll put it in salads and have it with dehydrated crackers and things like that. I don’t know, it’s up to the customer or it’s up to your taste and we get all sorts.
How To Make Your Own Sauerkraut?
Clint – Yeah. Let’s now, just before we wrap up on the sauerkraut, can you give us the sort of things to look out for if we want to try and make this at home? Now, people can obviously go online and watch YouTube videos of people making sauerkraut, and we’re not trying to sort of creating a substitute for that, which is going to be comprehensive. But let’s just set the scene in someone’s mind what they might be in for if they do think I wouldn’t mind giving this a go at home, just so that they can decide if they think that they should go and give it a shot. What should someone expect if they’re going to go down this path?
Daniel – Oh, I expect nothing, because if you expect nothing, then you’ve got nothing to lose and then you won’t be disappointed. But, as a rule of thumb, you’re dealing with a fermented vegetable so everything needs to be clean. Of course, even the room itself, if there’s any other molds or anything else in the room, it can actually be attracted to whatever you have fermenting. So whatever vegetable you’ve got, fermenting the (inaudible) it can attract that and it can build a layer of mold on top. But you learn from that and understand that it is a living food. So it needs to be treated with respect and kindness and it’s okay to make a mistake, it really is. We certainly had made mistakes and then you just learn from that and move on, and try something different, but give it a go. It is very straightforward, it is time-consuming but it is straightforward. And at one stage in our history, everybody does it and it’s good to get your hands wet again.
Clint – Yeah, that’s so true and we didn’t go there, but my daughter Angelina and I think she researched that sauerkraut originated in China or thereabouts, and then later developed its name from Europe. But it was originally practiced in the sort of the Asian region originally before becoming more associated with Europe because of its, German sounding name. I’m taking a guess. Yeah.
Daniel – Yeah, like even around the sort of Siberia area, and that’s sort of Central Asia or Western Asia. A lot of fermented foods that we say have originated around that sort of Siberian Mongolia area. And in fact, the Russians have had it for many years probably even centuries before the West took it on.
Clint – Yeah. OK, well it’s surviving the test of time because it’s delicious. It’s a way of past civilizations having food available in times when there wasn’t food available because it keeps, doesn’t it? Then you’ve got to preserve your own natural preservative and maybe not by today’s standards, but certainly by historical standards. Where you could maybe keep something for months as opposed to just days in the past. So look if anyone came, just jump online gonna find a video of someone making inside Rheumatoid Support. We’ve got a couple of videos of sauerkraut production so go check those out or check different videos on YouTube.
What Is Kombucha?
Clint – So, Daniel, you’ve helped your own digestion with Kombucha. Let’s talk about kombucha next, it is something that I went through a phase with where I was drinking two or three a day, almost like it was a Coca-Cola addiction. And I don’t think that it wasn’t a healing strategy it was definitely an enjoyment strategy for me. And I think that we established offline as well, that I might have been consuming one that may have been flash heated the way that I’ve just warned everyone not to consume. So let’s rewind though first on kombucha, what is it? And just describe how it’s made and why we might want to drink it.
Daniel – Yeah, I think to simply put kombucha is a fermented probiotic tea. It’s also somewhat up in those few words, that’s basically what it is. And it’s fermented with a brew of sweeteners, green or black tea, or you can use a combination of both traditionally sweetened with raw cane sugar, that’s the food source for the fermentation. By the way, it’s not to alarm any of the audience members that you’re drinking a sugary drink. It’s far from being a sugary drink, but the sugar is there just as a food source. The culture itself is, as I say, that’s a symbiotic colony of living bacteria and living yeasts. And they work or they live in harmony and they ferment simultaneously. It resembles something of a jellyfish without the tentacles, if you could picture that in your mind’s eye, but don’t be alarmed and be afraid. It is actually edible if you are brave enough. But it’s somewhere between a lichen and a fungus it’s not quite a plant, it’s not an animal, but it’s in this sort of fungus lichen category. And that’s essentially what it is in simple terminology and common language. I mentioned about the bacteria and the enzymes in this colony.
Daniel – So the first stage of fermentation, what happens is it consumes sugar and oxygen. So kombucha, unlike (inaudible), uses a dead yeast and it’s ethanol yeast traditional (inaudible) used to champagne yeast, depending on if it’s cider or wine or beer, but it’s dead yeast. And the whole objective is that those drinks used to produce ethanol and that’s it. The sole objective of kombucha is to produce probiotics and digestible enzymes. It is predigested so just like sauerkraut but the whole objective of the segmentation is to produce those probiotics and digestible enzymes. And so this colony works by consuming the sugar and the oxygen coming in. So it’s an open atmospheric pressure vessel and the oxygen comes in. It consumes that and consumes sugar, the byproduct being ethanol and carbon dioxide. And then the enzymes kick into gear and they consume the ethanol and transform them into probiotics. So a traditional kombucha or if you start making something at home, then it will always be very low ethanol. There’s always trace amounts of ethanol with kombucha that always happens with traditional fermentation. And in fact, even sauerkraut even that has trace amounts of ethanol. It’s very small, sometimes even too small to measure in comparison to kombucha, but any traditional wild semantic product like sauerkraut or kombucha is going to have trace amounts of ethanol. Al Kombucha typically comes in less than one percent, which meets the national standard of non-alcoholic beverages. And it’s taken us years to get to that, develop the recipe to bring it under that one percent because it is a commercial product. So that’s usually what it is and how it ferments.

What To Look Out For?
Daniel – What to look out for? You can look for something, first of all, that needs to be raw and not pasteurized or cooked or homogenized in any sort of way. I always tell people one thing I advocate, if you’re buying a kombucha, please do buy a craft or a kombucha craft product, and look at the ingredients. There are quite a few brands out there, especially in the supermarkets and service stations. And some of these brands in supermarkets and service stations also exist in some health food stores. But always look at the ingredients because it’s what’s on the inside is going to count, really. So if you’re seeing ingredients that you can’t even draw on paper and you don’t know what it is, it’s best to put it back on the shelf. And these could be the artificial ingredients like the erythritol, the fermented glucose, the steviol glycosides, and the stevia extracts, things like that, where you might question what is that? Can you actually draw it on a piece of paper? You can’t draw it and you can’t even picture it then, why does it belong in your mouth? Why are you consuming it? That’s what I ask. So as a rule of thumb, eat real food it’s just that simple. So with kombucha and to tell if it’s a real kombucha, look at the ingredients there needs to be fermented with the kombucha culture, a good water source, the organic cane sugar, and tea, that’s it. Those four simple ingredients makes up a real good kombucha. We’ve got some flavors in our range so we like to also add a range of foods and spices to ours, create a variety and other health benefits. The water is very important because it’s basically 90 percent water of this product, so you need to get the water source right. We use spring water and it’s sourced from the Blue Mountains and it’s on the western side of the Blue Mountains in the Wolgan Valley. It’s a very wonderful spring out there and we purchased it through a company called Wild Wolgan. And we’ve used spring water for many, many years now probably ever since the beginning. And a few reasons why we choose to use spring water? First of all, so we’re a certified organic company and all our products are certified organic. Water is an ingredient that you can’t certify organic because the organic agents and the body consider water to be mineral-based instead of carbon-based. They consider it to be from the clouds, from the earth, and as a result, you can’t certify water. We’ve been certified organic now for over five years. And my discussion with the auditor was, well, you’re telling me that I could use certified organic inputs, but the water, I could just use tap water and it still is organic. And he said, well, technically yes, and I wasn’t happy with that because I don’t consume tap water myself. But I wasn’t happy with that because of also the chemicals that are put into tap water, the chlorine, the chloramine, and the fluoride. So I said, look, I don’t want that in my product. If it’s in the product, you’re going to get a chemical fermentation. So I’ll go another step further and I’ll just get spring water where it’s completely free of all those chemicals. And it’s just basically H2O with the mineral composition of a spring. And that way, we don’t achieve chemical fermented products. Our kombucha are clean-tasting, it’s soft because it’s without these chemicals that tap water typically has. What was the other question?
Clint – Brilliant that covered everything that I was going to ask as you got into the warnings around the ingredients. And I was just going to jump in and say, well, what are the ones to avoid? Or what are the ones that we should be looking for and you covered that perfectly. It fascinated me that you said that you didn’t you or you don’t drink tap water, is that something that runs in your family, as well do you still follow this sort of approach? I spoke to David Wolfe many years ago, who’s like a raw food advocate, and so that has a huge following online life. He is fascinated about water, he said he has traveled the world looking for the cleanest water supplies. He’s like a water nut, you know what I mean? But in a good way, lovely do and just mad about water. So do you feel that this has played a role in your own health as well?
How Important Is Water?
Daniel – Yeah, 100 percent. Most of our body or what’s inside of our body is water. And it is, in my opinion, incredibly important to look after that and nourish that and make sure that you’re getting good water intake. Although there are a lot of filters that you can buy out there to filter out tap water. One thing that I research and found, even if you were to go to the nth degree to try to filter out that town water or treated dam water as it is, and for it to be completely chemical-free. Treated water is considered dead water, it’s a dead cell water. And it will not hydrate you the same way that spring water will, no matter how hard you try. And so we have evolved just like every animal and every other species on this planet, to consume rainwater and spring water because it is natural and it is living cell water. So even the water itself is living and that just makes when you’re fermenting with a living cell water, you almost create a bit of a superfood as well. And that’s another really valid reason why we use spring water versus filtered tap water because it is living cell water. And just like (inaudible) water is incredibly volatile, it’s really important. And for us, it’s a big priority with our kombucha to make sure we get rid of that water source that’s clean.
Clint – You’ve made me want to drink both spring water from now on and nothing else. And you’ve also made me want to go out and buy some of your kombucha. So, it definitely piqued my desire for those two things. It’s very hard to get spring and I don’t feel like buying spring water in bottles either. It just feels like that’s sort of a two-step forward. Then you’ve got this recycling and sort of carbon footprint issue buying bottled water. Is there a solution that you could suggest for that?
Daniel – I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve got a solution to that. Because we’re living the modern men and modern women and we’re living in cities and suburbs and towns that we’ve constructed. And we’ve constructed this environment around us. And it’s far removed from how we were traditionally living hundreds of years ago. And so the source of spring water is not very like it used to be. So I don’t know if we’ve got a simple solution, but one thing that’s really just come to mind would be rainwater. Rainwater is probably the next best thing. So obviously that would need to be filtered to a certain degree for sediment, etc. If you’re collecting rainwater if you’re living in the suburbs or in a city metropolitan area. But consuming rainwater would be better than treated dam water or drinking tap water for sure, I feel and maybe that would be the next best thing. If you can get spring water and you can find there are companies out there like I mentioned the one that we purchased from Wild Wolgan, he actually sells his watering bulk. And there are a few companies that do that as well, where you could do a home ordering bulk, maybe in bulk containers and stuff, and that could be more and more environmentally friendly, more feasible, and a good way to get your spring water as opposed to just getting slabs of bottles or something.
Clint – Because they probably do a rotational thing, right? They will probably take an empty container, put a new container in. And so the containers have been rotated as opposed to being constantly thrown into recycling centers.
Daniel – Yeah. The owner of Wild Wolgan, he does pride himself on being environmentally friendly, as minimal impact as possible, and he loves that rotation, he really does do that.

Clint – I like that we might look into that. It’s probably the one area that we’ve paid little attention to over the years. I used to drink a lot of alkaline water and I just found that I ended up confusing myself too much around the timing of drinking alkaline water. Because, as you well put it before, we want to have a very acidic stomach. But if you’re drinking alkaline water for the purposes of alkalizing, pretty much everything in the body except your stomach, your blood, and all the other fluids in our body, it’s hard to alkalize those without alkalizing in the stomach. And so then you’re creating a counterproductive impact. So I used to always try and drink alkaline water late at night when I wasn’t digesting food and I wasn’t about to digest food. But then you’re up at night going to the bathroom and it’s hard. You’re always trying to time this alkaline water so it’s consumed. So I ended up just reverting back to tap water years and years ago. And I’m not totally satisfied, especially after speaking with you and becoming more enlightened.
Daniel – Yeah, with the alkaline water, I don’t know, is this, I guess, a question? Is it alkaline for me or is it just an alkaline food?
Clint – It’s alkaline going in so you can measure the pH of it. On the bottle, it says the pH of this water is and it’s like instead of it being 7.1 or whatever water is, 7.4 or whatever, it might be eight or in some cases as high as nine. So remember that an order of magnitude for the pH scale is logarithmic, so that’s a lot more alkaline than the typical water.
Daniel – It sounds like the overconsumption of that particular water. If what you’re saying is true, it sounds like it’s actually going to throw the pH balance off in the stomach. And it may not necessarily be the best thing for health. Because one thing, I’ve had several friends that say to me, I’ve got acid reflux and heartburn, and through experience, personal experience, as well as for my friends, the first thing I say to them is I say, well. I’ll squeeze you half a lemon, fresh lemon juice, and a little bit of warm water. And what that is, it’s going to be acids entering into the stomach, but it is alkaline for me. And so that actually very quickly balances out the stomach and puts it back in the stomach, back the acid to where it’s supposed to be. And it actually takes away the heartburn, indigestion. And something as simple as that actually works really, really well. You can also use an organic ACV with a little bit of warm water, and that works just as well too.
Clint – Yeah, beautiful. The old ACV, another thing that has been around forever, the apple cider vinegar for those people who aren’t down with it. Yeah. Well, thank you very much. This has just been a very chilled, very calm, and enjoyable chat with you about these wonderful foods. And thank you, I’ve really enjoyed covering this off. It’s something I’ve not talked about before on one of our episodes. And I don’t think I’ve ever or I feel like I have nailed walking in the sauerkraut, no questions asked, wonderful I ate a lot, take it and live my life. Regarding the kombucha, I’m still yet to consume your kombucha, which I’m hoping is going to be that aha moment where I don’t feel anything other than healthy good consumption in the stomach and the feel of life with no issues. Because I think it’s fair to say that for most people with rheumatoid we got there because of digestive issues or at least we had them even if we didn’t know them. And so whilst every other person might be able to consume virtually anything without problems, we always have these little residual. Got to be careful with this or Got to be careful with that. So I’m hoping that when I buy your kombucha, which I will do very soon, that gives me that oh, wow, this is what I’ve been missing.
Daniel – I encourage your audience to try different varieties of fermented foods. Not every fermented food is going to work for you. It’s a very individualistic approach, but just try it and see which works for you. Some people work really well with kombucha and some people don’t, it all depends. Yeah, but just give it a shot.
Clint – Ok, we’ll do most definitely. I’ll email you and let you know. How can other people get in contact with you? I know that you don’t want to feel just general kombucha questions from around the world. But if there’s someone wanting to buy your products, I mean, they could ask their local health food store, but perhaps you might even supply locally in the Sydney metropolitan area. Where are we at with regards to that, if someone wants more from you in terms of your products?
Daniel – So we do ship around all the major cities and towns in Australia. Our website, www.herbsoflife.com.au, and we don’t ship overseas, I’m sorry. But for the overseas listeners, just please take note if you’re wanting to buy sauerkraut or kombucha, take note of what to look out for basically. Because there’s a lot of stuff out there. So to our local Australians, we could use our website, we could ship to you. And there’s also a range of health food stores that (inaudible) our stuff as well, like Harris Farm Markets.
Clint – Yeah, beautiful. And my local health food store is how I found out about you and they are a big advocate of your stuff. And I gave them such good feedback about you and they said, oh, Daniel, he is best these so good. La la la. So we built a connection down there too at the store because of what you’re doing. So thanks so much for speaking with me today and thanks so much for sharing all this great information. Thank you for doing what you’re doing. It’s such a wonderful contributing kind of role that you have doing stuff that it needs to be done. So thank you, Daniel.
Daniel – Thank you so much. It’s a pleasure.
Hi Clint I need some help with what the brand of Sauerkraut and kombucha I am to look for and where I can purchase it. I watched your video and it looked good. Thank you