Rheumatoid Arthritis In The Wrist. Follow these strategies
1. Repetitions
2. Distraction and Strength building
3. Reduce Systemic Inflammation
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How to improve your wrists. If you’ve got inflammation in your wrist and you’re wanting to lower that inflammation. The heat, the swelling so that you can move through better range of motion and have more strength to be able to lift things and open car doors, to be able to get up off the floor and so on without it really causing a setback. Then this video is for you.
Let’s talk about how to lower that inflammation. Well, studies were done some years ago that showed that a mechanical device, if it was applied to the back of the hand and into the wrist that actually pulled the wrist apart. So a mechanical what looked like a torturous device over a two month period, when that device was applied to patients who had a reduced spacing in their wrist, meaning loss of cartilage, those patients showed a greater spacing at the end of that period and some cartilage regeneration. So distraction is a way that we can utilize to try and reduce joint inflammation, pain and problems. I’ve seen this personally working with thousands of people with rheumatoid arthritis. Those with wrist problems respond well to distraction like exercises. Now I’ll show you what they look like in just a minute. But what about the opposite? The opposite is also true when we’re doing exercises that aren’t distraction pulling apart, but instead are compression pushing together. These exercises irritate the wrist and must be avoided until the wrist feels good. These exercises look like pushing away motion, like bench press at the gym or shoulder press. Or you might see it in a much more day to day situation, like pushing open the car door or pushing open a door in your house. Likewise, if you’re doing yoga and you’re down on the floor doing a posture like downward facing dog where your hands are pushing you up off the mat or getting up off the floor. Additionally, anything that applies some degree of lateral pressure through the joint, like holding something that makes the wrist work in that direction, is going to cause problems if your wrists are inflamed.
So the first step is to avoid things that irritate the wrist. Okay. It sounds common sense, but a lot of the time we’re busy in our day-to-day life and we just think, oh, it just hurts. Every time I do that, I’m going to do it anyway. Well, for someone who’s obsessed about using physical therapy to reverse joint pain coming from me, I’m telling you that we need to ease off on anything that’s irritating. No downward dogs, no bench presses, no shoulder presses at the moment. By contrast, the strategy forward is going to be using exercise in a different way. We’re going to focus, or you should focus on distraction style exercises and repetitions. Okay. So what this looks like in terms of repetitions is you may want to just for example, try dangling the wrist and moving them back and forth. You might want to do a sample size of this of maybe 50 back and forth, and then check in with how the wrist wrist feels a few hours later. Then if it’s fine the next day, you might want to increase that 50 to 75, 100 or more. In the past, I used to go and do thousands of repetitions on joints that were inflamed. Once I had a style of exercise that was zero impact that provided my body with lots and lots of repetitions without adding pain. I knew that repetitions equal relief. And so exploring not just for the wrist, but other joints that hurt specific, simple, over and over again style exercises without loading them can be very, very beneficial to get that new synovial fluid moving through the joint. And we know that joints love movement. Okay, even inflamed ones, in fact, even more so inflamed ones when done safely.

So that’s repetitions and then resistance. So you want to engage in resistance style exercises starting at a very low level and doing a sample size of resistance. For example, one that I start everyone on inside our coaching program is just to do pull rows like this, a very functional movement, simple, natural for the body holding and pulling. Doing this applies some distraction through the wrist. And if we keep the wrist nice and straight when we’re going through this process, for example like this, see the wrist remains straight. I’m only increasing the height so that you can see in the camera. But we’ve got to keep it perfectly straight as we go. Starting out really light, really light, really light. Day after day, through repetition and consistency should start to see my wrist is not quite as bad. Then we scale it and then our coaching program. We help people go from this starting point that I’ve just told you about, all the way through to hanging from an overhead bar, that is the end goal, not just for the wrist, but also for the hands and building grip strength. When we can hang from an overhead bar and we’ve got our palms facing forward and we can take our whole body weight down through with our feet off the ground. When we can do that for 30 seconds. The body has become so resilient and the connective tissue around the joint and all those tendons in the fingers have become so resilient and strong that it’s very difficult for inflammation to persist in those joints. You will see this for yourself as you build more and more ability to tolerate distraction through the wrist you will notice that pain go down.
Sometimes there’s some workarounds that need to be put in place, but generally that’s the direction is more and more of the consistency and improved strength at home or at the gym, but light levels and then go through a strength building process of patience and consistency until we start getting to an overhead bar. And once we get to the bar, it’s rinse and repeat longer and longer durations. At first with feet on the ground and then later without feet on the ground until we’re at 30 seconds hanging from that overhead bar. If you can do that, your wrists are going to be feeling amazing.Obviously, in parallel to this physical therapy, everyone needs to lower the systemic inflammation. This is inflammation that’s going on that is being caused by particles getting into your bloodstream. They can come into your bloodstream via the gut, via the mouth, through the pathway, down past the gum and the tooth and getting into your bloodstream and irritating your immune system. So this also naturally needs to be down regulated. And we do that by a dietary process with some assistance through some supplementation, but through a dietary process which is an entirely plant based program to really fuel the development of short chain fatty acids in the bowel. And why am I telling you this? Because you need to also address this part of the underlying cause so that the inflammation systemically is lower. Whilst you go through this process of the targeted joint improvement physical therapy.
So you put all this together and your wrist will significantly improve. And patience is required to go through this process and to know the big picture as a concept that strength defeats inflammation in parallel to nurturing the microbes in your bowel to produce short chain fatty acids, to then nurture the gut wall to heal and repair and produce the mucus to protect it. And together, these two things will help you have significantly less wrist pain with your mission to get it as low as possible, ideally zero through these strategies. I hope this has helped and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.